Church Building

Church Building

Pakistan comes in the list of those countries which are dominated by other religion namely Islam. Christianity is less than 1.5% of the whole percentage. Sharing and spreading the Good News a bit Challenging but many want to listen the word of God particularly in the remote areas. We are constructing a church building but need your helping hand to finish the work so that we may bring all the people together and help them to be saved and enter in the kingdom of God.

Rescue Home

Rescue Home

One of the main focuses of the Power of Prayer Ministries is to save and protect the children and to provide them an Academic and Biblical knowledge. Millions of the children just spoil their lives because they have not been to school either they don't have parents, or they are abandoned because of the Poverty. We have a vision to build a Rescue Home for these children to be saved and have a happy home. We need your support for this greater cause.

Monthly Food Package

Monthly Food Package

Our Ministry tries to provide a small food Packages to many widows and street to survive. We feed the families by providing them one meal a day, monthly food packages or whatever God blesses us with we bless them. We need your hand to move on and reach many other people who are seeking our support. so that they may not die with hunger